In this workshop, facilitator Zoe Tuck will apply Hoa Nguyen's long-running series of workshops to her own oeuvre. As a group, the workshop will be reading Nguyen’s work and digging into the SPT archive to engage the context in which it first appeared: lit mags and chapbooks of the '90s and early '00s.
Each class will involve discussion of Nguyen’s work and generative writing exercises. These exercises may include drawing details from daily life, the domestic, local ecology, or spirituality, and using techniques like imitation, translation, found language, divinatory tools (I-Ching, tarot), collage, and Oulipian procedures.
As a joint project of Small Press Traffic and the Belladonna* School for Feminist Practice and Poetics, this class will culminate in a zoom reading and publication in the seednotes chaplets series, which features writing and artworks from workshops. Hoa Nguyen herself will join the workshop for its final session.
This virtual class will meet every other Sunday, starting October 27th and then convening on November 10th, November 24th, and December 8th. It's offered at tiered rates with a sliding cost between $80 - $200.
Online: Register for zoom link
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